Tuesday, 23 October 2012

To Whom It May Concern

Choked and stifled by a country anorexic,
Starved of knowledge with lies the antiseptic,
Not sure how to manage my diminishing composure,
But empty heads and idiocy receive to much exposure,
Does nobody agree that we celebrate stupidity,
Instead of forcing realness from the depths of anonymity,
America could have Romney and in the past endured Bush,
Well we're stuck here with Cameron who leaves truth in a hush,
Our leader a chimp his policies absurd, 
Humility and assurance as of yet unheard,
Recession still biting our wallets in half,
Withdrawing our earnings and out spits a draught,
I'm tired and exhausted from this relentless bombardment,
But I don't want a free ticket from this lonely department,
Nobody is owed happiness we have to search for and earn it,
To avoid the abyss of our own homemade cesspit, 
So many people content with this horrendous reality,
But I just can't get comfy beneath this blanket of fallacy,
The cold side of the pillow has became stiflingly hot,
Burning my skin nightly leaving my consciousness shot,
Where does it end when all paths are blocked off,
By suited up pigs scoffing jive from their trough,
Gluttons for nonsense and admirers of lies,
Seven deadly sins quadrupled in size,
Whether with left or with right we'll be in the same boat,
The weight of the bullshit barely keeping us afloat,
It vexes me to know that my children will endure,
The exact same incompetence that sticks my shoes to the floor,  
How do we escape when escape requires funds,
And the funds that we earn get stolen by men with plastic guns, 
All that I have is a keyboard and my dignity,
My honest opinions that won't be shared timidly,
This country is in a state of horrendous decline,
Do we really want our offspring to be forced into line,
To wait for the dole and be refused occupation,
While the catalysts of inadequacy avoid prominent condemnation, 
We just turn on our TV's and pretend there's nothing there,
We switch on our iPod's and proclaim that we don't care,
But we have to be able to truly comprehend,
That at the end of the day it is our livelihoods that won't mend.

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