Monday 30 April 2012

TwentyTwelve B.C.

A city bruised up and bloody due to black hooded bedlam,
Caring less about handshakes and politeness and more about violence and ounces,
Walking in mass with their 'fuck-the-system' mentality,
The irony though is that hierarchy has never been more apparent,
A childish game of follow the leader,
Spending just as much time looting themselves of logic as they do thieving from their neighbors,
A strut of raw belief that they rule the roost with their ruthless riot regime,
A gang of thoughtless caskets living in a life of cluelessness and ignorance, 
No concept of society or propriety,
Controlled by the desire of breaking every bone in that patient helping hand,
Blame is put upon upbringing but it is conformity that is causing this generational genocide,
Baa Baa Black Sheep and a passion for pointlessness,
Faceless miscreants hidden beneath that infamous cloak; intimidation or shame?
Roaming the streets with eyes visibly wide but a severe lack of direction,
Possessed by the power of excuses and blame,
Fighting against a government as alien to them as the concept of respect,
Tagging street corners with profanities,
Professional pricks handing out bad names like dime bags,
Racism more fashionable than rationalism,
Aggression more likely than compassion,
Hours complaining about foreign forces stealing occupation,
No minute to spare for the idea of ambition,
Complacent dole dwellers with lazy limbs,
Their black and white attire representing their dull and unwilling minds,
Each thread an emphasis of a boring waste of existence,
Come forth then brave soldiers,
Fight a war you know nothing about,
Reek havoc around your own home,
Close your ears to the choirs of human decency,
Imbecilic cavemen taking us back to BC.


Thursday 26 April 2012

Beurstraat 11

The crackling of herbal incense inserting itself into the irritated fragments of our conscious.
Curvaceous canals curling with cautious currents covered in the remnants of a calming yesteryear.
Countless sandals and espadrilles have wandered, walked and wondered where they were before today.
Wooden oars the only disturbance; dancing delicately deep beneath the delightful depths of a Dutch landmark.
Leaving us are the weighty worries of the wicked world we once knew.
On our faces the sweet sizzle of a sensual sun setting itself on our browning shoulders.
The beautiful breeze brushing through our blood-stream and becoming a brilliant catalyst for a disappearing breaking point.
Untethered from life and loosened from the locks of limp limbs and exhausted lines.
Who knew repetition could render a ruined soul into relaxation.
After all it was repetition that ruined relaxation in the first place.
Irresistible calm where dreams wander so blissfully.
The canals of settled minds.

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Berry St. Blues

Teacher inflicted teachings to make the taught few wise.
Intellect though has became corrupted to his Scrumpy Jack Generation.
Percentage fades from dissertation delights to the quantities of chemical imbalance at the bottom of his tin prison.
Sober means somber in the same way that brain cells mean nothing.
A euphoric escape for the masses is a daily lethal liaison with a liver fighting a losing battle.
Depression, the dreadful dealer of distraction.
Focus fades over and again at the chime of every hour.
His home on that filthy seventh step of that mangled mortar frame.
The insides bombed out by the Weimar; his internal mauled by ignorance.
White Lightning and acid rain melting away the tiny remainders of his functioning mind.
The cause of his presence a mystery.
The story of his past a myth, even to him.
A mirage of memories lost beneath the greasy wire that surrounds his window; his soul eternally hidden.
Misunderstood warblings and the frequent quest for powder currency his only occupation.
Counting leaves and marking benches with forgotten names of forgotten friends to maintain his grip on reality.
Making foes over a circular piece of copper cruelty. 
Ignored and irrelevant to the naked eye.
Swallowed by pity.
Disappearance goes unnoticed.
Another victim of the streets.